Bermuda dentist offers surgical and straightforward tooth extractions
Your teeth are intended to last a lifetime. However, some problems may exist that might warrant specific procedures, including tooth extractions. Drs. Ian Campbell, Christopher Allington, and Lara Loescher of Positive Image Dental in Devonshire, Bermuda, invite patients to learn about situations where a tooth may need to be extracted.
Why might I need a tooth extracted?
Below are just a few of the more common reasons why patients we see may need to have a tooth extracted:
- Huge cavities
- Trauma/damage to the tooth
- Infection
- Impaction
- Failed root canal therapy
- Preparation for orthodontic treatment
- Preparation for full dentures
What types of extractions are available?
Our skilled team of dentists provide two types of extraction, including surgical and straightforward. If a patient has a tooth underneath the gums that is infected or impacted, surgical tooth extraction will need to be performed. That is the more invasive extraction. A simple extraction is done for teeth that are already erupted through the gum line.
Does tooth extraction hurt?
The skilled team of professionals at Positive Image Dental performs all procedures for patients with proper anaesthesia and sedation to ensure patient comfort. Certain types of extractions, including surgical extraction, are more invasive, and patients will often use over-the-counter medications for a few days following the extraction to reduce discomfort.
What happens if I need an emergency tooth extraction?
If you have a dental emergency and need to have a tooth extracted right away, this can be done at our dental office under the care of our dentists. Whenever possible, we will do what we can to save the tooth, which is the most desirable choice. However, if the tooth needs to be extracted, we can perform this at our practice and then work with dentists to choose a tooth replacement option that suits their needs.
Do you need a tooth extraction?
We proudly offer both surgical and simple dental extractions and accept new and established patients. To obtain treatment, we encourage patients to call the office at (441) 292-2312 to request a visit at our facility, located minutes away from town at ZBM Annex Fort Hill Road. Call today to improve your oral health!