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Jul 08

If you have lost teeth, even if it’s not in the smile zone, it’s good to cover that gap immediately. Leaving gaps in your mouth affects not only your appearance but also your oral structure and functionality. Due to missing teeth, other teeth start shifting and loosening, possibly losing yet another tooth. Besides, that gap […]

Apr 19

When a dentist decides that a root canal is necessary for a patient, it is likely due to the tooth’s inner pulp becoming infected. If a dentist recommends a root canal treatment, you may still wonder how long you can go without getting it. If this thought crosses your mind, you are not alone. Patients […]

Dec 06

You see them all the time — over-the-counter (OTC) teeth whitening kits are sold in every grocery and drug store. From whitening strips and toothpaste to treatments that rely on stronger chemicals, there is a very diverse line of products to choose from. These products are incredibly popular, yet they don’t provide you with the […]

Dec 06

Believe it or not, there was a time when there were not many options available to individuals needing to replace missing teeth. Dentures and bridges have been around, but those may not offer the characteristics you are looking for in a tooth replacement option. Dental implants provide a long-lasting, durable option for tooth replacement. Drs. Ian Campbell, […]

Nov 08

If you are one of many in Bermuda who are not happy with your smile due to gapped teeth, you could be an ideal candidate for dental bonding, a cosmetic treatment for closing gaps between teeth. During the procedure, bonding material is moulded and bonded to your teeth to alter the shape and close an […]

Nov 08

Periodontal disease, more commonly known as gum disease, occurs when your gums become infected. When allowed to progress to advanced stages, this condition can cause severe dental health problems which extend to your overall well-being. The good news is that, when detected early, gum disease can be treated and reversed. Patients in Bermuda have come […]

Sep 17

A root canal is many a patient’s worst fear about going to the dentist. Let us get this out of the way as there is nothing to fear from a root canal. Through modern techniques and local anesthesia, the pain or discomfort from a root canal is minimal. Too many people avoid root canals, which […]

Sep 17

Are you aware that braces are not your only option when you need to straighten and align teeth? The thought of getting braces with the metal brackets and wiring can be undesirable. The good news is that treatments are out there that can help straighten and align teeth without the need for uncomfortable metal. The […]

Aug 30

Are you one of many in Bermuda who are missing at least one tooth? If you are missing a tooth, you may not view it as a, particularly dire issue. The reality is that, over time, even a single missing tooth can cause you serious dental problems. Drs. Ian Campbell, Christopher Allington, and Lara Loescher […]